to solve problems or implement strategies... Once a job is completed, the team disbands."
– Business Week
Far from the traditional consulting firm, InterSolve Group is truly a new breed - a virtual professional service firm. Since 1989 this innovative resource allows senior executives to formulate vital strategies, to execute important projects and to solve critical problems by putting in place both the necessary leadership and JUST-IN-TIME TALENT.
Few companies or institutions can marshal and maintain the best available talent for every need or situation. InterSolve Group makes it possible to do so. Without adding long-term structural costs, we lead the best available talent from whatever source to carry out the agenda of distinctive leaders. Not only are such leadership teams comprised of experienced professionals representing the best available talent in their respective fields, but they are fast and flexible - as circumstances and conditions change, teams can be modified, reconfigured and redirected "on demand".
Moreover, each assignment is led by Edward R. (Ted) McPherson, Chief Executive Officer of InterSolve Group, who draws upon a remarkable level of experience and achievement from his background to meet the unique needs of each client.
In every area of business, from marketing to information technology to financial management to human resources, the challenges facing organizations have never been more complex. In light of these challenges, one solution has never been more timely: the unique services of InterSolve Group.
JUST-IN-TIME TALENT is a registered trademark of InterSolve Group Inc.