promoting... alliances, working with chief executives to assemble teams from diverse sources to create new business opportunities."
– Reuters
February 1994
InterSolve Group: featured by Tom Peters in, On Achieving Excellence
InterSolve Group Inc. is currently featured in the attached copy of On Achieving Excellence. the monthly publication by Tom Peters, the highly respected management consultant, speaker, and author of In Search of Excellence, Thriving on Chaos, and Liberation Management.
Our business is leading teams of "Just-in-Time Talent"TM in executing the agenda of chief executives and senior corporate officers in competing to win, implementing innovative technologies, and energizing the workplace.
InterSolve Group is widely recognized as the first virtual service corporation enabling distinctive leaders to create value through high return on investments in human capital and collaborative business relationships.
Tom Peters salutes our competence of implementing custom solutions in scale with speed, value, and lower risk.
Leadership, talent, good execution, and "partnering" are the primary sustainable sources of competitive advantage for the 90's!